Table Reporter ============== The table reporter generates an HTML document showing a simple tabular view of the allocations contributing to the tracked process's peak memory usage. Each source line that contributed to that peak memory usage is given a row in the generated table, showing the amount of memory it allocated, the type of allocator it used, and the number of allocations it was responsible for. .. image:: _static/images/table_example.png The table can be sorted by each column and searched in the search field. The columns show the following data: - Thread ID: thread where the allocation happened - Size: total amount of memory used by all of these allocations - Allocator: allocator or deallocator function which acquired the memory - Allocations: total number of allocations performed by this entry - Location: function name, file and line of the allocation or "???" if unknown Basic Usage ----------- The general form of the ``table`` subcommand is: .. code:: shell memray table [options] The only argument the ``table`` subcommand requires is the capture file previously generated using :doc:`the run subcommand `. The output file will be named as ``memray-table-.html`` unless the ``-o`` argument was specified to override the default name. CLI Reference ------------- .. argparse:: :ref: memray.commands.get_argument_parser :path: table :prog: memray